Source code of my website is available

It is a Hugo theme that you may reuse.

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This is a static site generated using Hugo. Hugo is a framework that provides some basic functionality like template engine, markdown renderer and other utilities. However it does not describe site structure or appearance - they are defined in a so-called theme.

Source code of my theme is available. You may find this repository useful even if you don’t use Hugo. Theme is essentially a set of high-level things that have to be done regardless of the framework.


I think there is a common mistake in making websites: decisions are made from the perspective of full knowledge about the site. Authors also tend to focus on the use of one website in particular, not on the whole web experience. Instead, sites should be:

  • Simple. Site with static content should be static. Do not create unnecessary elements that may distract user.
  • Predictable. Follow normal document flow. Do not interfere with page rendering or navigation. Use Javascript only if absolutely needed.
  • Flexible. Respect user preferences, do not set unreasonable defaults (even font family). Define everything in a declarative manner.
  • Open. Allow raw content downloads and offer different formats. No copy-paste limitations, no obfuscation, no ads, no popups, etc.

Listed principles were the key changes during my website revamp.